Exhibition Design
The exhibition “The Denied: Victims of National Socialism 1933–1945 – Today” commemorates those persecuted under the Nazi regime as “asocials” and “career criminals.” Between 1933 and 1945, tens of thousands were monitored, harassed, deprived of their freedom, and often murdered. For decades, they were denied compensation in West Germany, East Germany, and Austria. It was not until 2020 that the German Bundestag officially recognized them as victims of National Socialism.
Designed as a traveling exhibition, the focus is on the stories of those affected and their descendants. A series of colors guides visitors through different spaces—lifeworlds, institution, camp, extermination and today’s perspectives.
Concept & Curation: Dr. Ulrich Baumann, Oliver Gaida, Laura López Mras, Dr. Christa Schikorra
Photography: Stiftung Denkmal / Marko Priske
Exhibition Architecture: Gabu Heindl Architektur
Design Concept: Zoff, Berlin
Illustration: Nino Bulling, Jul Gordon